At Henry's last pre-school conference his teachers told us that Henry has really emerged as a leader over the past six months. They told us how he organizes group play and enjoys assigning tasks to his friends.
I felt quite proud hearing this news, but realized a few days later, while observing him at the playground that although you could use the word leader, others might just say "really bossy".
Henry's ability to make up games for kids to play is impressive, but he's often left alone on top of the jungle gym shouting out his complex rules to kids who have decided to play with someone less controlling. My guess is that they would rather run around aimlessly then play according to Henry's strict plan. He's still too young to understand that he's been rejected, but I fear he'll soon realize.
These characteristics will certainly serve him well as an adult, but he'll need to learn some social finesse to weather grade school. I was a bossy kid too, but always savvy enough to choose friends who wanted and needed my guidance. Henry's growing up to be a stereotypical "only child". A mini-adult. Already I feel sorry for his future partner. The sorry soul who will fall in love with a boy who slept with his mommy until he was 10.