As the cleaning crew descended the stairs equipped with masks, boots and gloves, to clean up the sewage that swamped my basement, I tried to put the image out of my head of Henry splashing around barefoot in the mystery puddles last week, as Nick vacuumed up the water and I tested different theories of what could possibly be leaking.
I was sure that it was the dishwasher. I conducted several very scientific experiments. It HAD to be the dishwasher.
It didn't occur to me for even a second that it was sewer water. The realization was horrifying, but not so much as finding out about the sewer rats that are now escaping from the holes in our collapsed main and up into our yard.
When the man from Minneapolis Public Works came to poison the rat holes that litter my lawn, he asked me if I'd seen any rats in the house yet. (Yet??) I started laughing hysterically and told him that he shouldn't make jokes like that. Especially to a woman whose husband is currently out of the country. Rat-Poison Man made a face that suggested he wasn't kidding and then warned me to look in the toilet before I sit down.
Last night I stacked heavy books on all the toilets and slept with a ski pole.
Sometime next week, this terrible, disgusting mess will be behind us. Until then, picture me heavily medicated and armed with sporting equipment.
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