When Henry was 4.5 months I used the controversial cry-it-out method of sleep training. At that time I was meeting weekly with a group of moms in DUMBO, all with babies around the same age. One by one we succumbed to the method, after another mom would show up at playgroup, looking perky, proclaiming the wonders of a baby that slept through the night.
I desperately wanted to be perky.
It took 3 days of training and the longest Henry ever cried was 23 minutes.
For the next 23 months, without a fuss, I was able to put Henry to bed at 8pm and we'd see him in the morning. For 23 months life was pretty good.
It happened without warning and all of a sudden Henry refuses to sleep in his room. When it's time to sleep he grabs his things (cow, blanket, pacifier) and heads for my bed. If I put him in his crib, he'll cry until he barfs. It's not pretty and I don't know what to do. I don't have my mommy friends in DUMBO, I only have you.